Hello there! I’m Chris White, the founder and creative force behind Chris White Photos, LLC. Based in the vibrant city of Stamford, but with a reach that extends far beyond, I’m passionate about capturing moments and telling stories through the lens of my camera.

At Chris White Photos, we’re not just your typical photography and videography company. Drawing on my background as a musician and music producer, I infuse creativity and storytelling into every project I undertake. Whether it’s a wedding, a real estate property, or a portrait session, I believe in bringing a unique blend of visual and auditory elements to create captivating and unforgettable experiences.

With a focus on wedding videography and photography, I thrive on capturing the love, joy, and emotion of your special day, ensuring that every moment is preserved for a lifetime of memories. In the realm of real estate, I provide comprehensive media services to showcase properties in their best light, helping real estate agents attract buyers and renters with stunning visuals.

But my talents extend beyond weddings and real estate. Whether it’s a corporate event, a family portrait session, or any other occasion worth commemorating, I’m here to bring your vision to life with my camera and creative expertise.

At Chris White Photos, it’s not just about capturing images—it’s about telling your story in a way that resonates and inspires. So let’s connect, and together, let’s create something truly remarkable.